Anyone who has ever tried fundraising knows it can be overwhelming at times.As a charity, you’re well aware that your fundraisers are voluntarily giving of their time and energy to do something that is not only important but also hard. For many, this is the first time they have done anything like it and they’ll need some support and guidance.I have supported hundreds of individual fundraisers on GivenGain. Here are three things you can do today to greatly improve the chances of a fundraiser achieving their fundraising goal.
Send a welcome mailEvery time a new fundraiser signs up to support your charity, send them a welcome mail, introduce yourself and let them know you’re there to support them on every step of their fundraising journey. If you don’t have time to send an e-mail, take a minute to write a comment or say thank you on the fundraiser’s GivenGain page.
Keep fundraisers updatedIf your fundraisers are raising money for a specific project or organisation goal, make sure to send them e-mails on all the various fundraisers’ progress towards that goal. Fundraising can be lonely and it’s great to be reminded that you are part of a bigger community working towards changing the world in the same way.
Sign up to fundraiseIt is easy to forget how difficult it can be to ask your friends and colleagues to support you in raising funds for your charity. One way to understand your fundraiser’s struggles is to sign yourself up as a fundraiser for one charity campaign every year. This will give you insight into what works and doesn’t work in fundraising for your organisation and it will familiarise you with the GivenGain process and help you offer better support. There is nothing as powerful for building relationships with fundraisers as being able to say, “Me too!” or “You are not the only one” and “I struggled with the same things when I was fundraising and this is how I overcame it.”If you’ve got a cause you care about, I’m here to help you grow and fund it. My name is Wendy van Eyck and I am obsessed with teaching non-profit fundraisers and marketers with few resources, little time and high targets how to generate the funding they need to bring change to a community they care about. Find free resources and ideas at
Wendy van EyckNon-Profit Communications Expert